+30 27630 61400 info@artina.gr


For us, this is an experience
that no one should miss!

In Greek, the word for “human being” is “anthropos”. It derives from the
word “ano” which means “upwards” and the word “throsko” – to look.

That is, that the tendency of humans is to look high and forward.

In the island of Proti, you are given the opportunity to feel the strength which hides in the top of the mountain, as you push yourself to go even higher.

In a scene with many alternations from rough wild and deserted to green serene and passable, one can meet the island’s valleys and mountains, track the history of the civilization of the area that has passed by this island over time, through the archaeological ruins, historic monasteries, churches and old settlements.

The high mountain of Proti Island hides countless upward paths of all difficulty levels, while the view which you will see every step of the way provides an overall unique experience as well as a challenge for every walking or climbing person.

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